Ailments - Other

Natural Remedies for ADD and ADHD


Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) sometimes accompanied with hyperactivity (ADHD) is a condition that usually affects children but some adults suffer from this condition as well. Symptoms include hyperactivity, lack of concentration, temper tantrums, becoming frustrated easily, impatience, inability to sit still, clumsiness and poor sleep patterns. A child may experience learning difficulties even though he has a normal IQ. Often children are miss-diagnosed simply because they are bored in class and become restless or that they require a different approach to the conventional way of teaching.

When treating someone with ADD or ADHD it is important to emphasise the importance of the diet. Avoiding all foods that are stimulants is essential. This means no sugar (chocolates, ice-cream, biscuits etc), tea, coffee, milo, hot chocolate, fizzy drinks and certain medication such as cough mixtures. Anything containing preservatives or colourants must also be avoided. They must also maintain a low carbohydrate intake and then only rye, oats, rice and millet is allowed. Avoid any wheat products. Cereals also contain a lot of sugar so substitute them for wheat free bread or wheat free/sugar free muesli. Toxins and poisons such as mercury need to be eliminated. Nourishing the nervous system and improving nerve impulses will eliminate feelings of irritation and frustration as well as calm the activities of the brain.

Cholesterol and Natural Remedies for Cholesterol


Cholesterol is not all bad. It plays many important roles in the body:

  • Cholesterol forms an important part of all cell
  • It is needed for the health of the nervous system - it acts as an insulator around the nerves.
  • Within the liver, cholesterol is converted to Bile salts are made up of cholesterol so cholesterol is needed for proper digestion.
  • Serotonin receptors in the brain require cholesterol to function properly. Serotonin promotes a feeing of well being.
  • The pituitary gland, adrenal gland and sex hormones are all made from cholesterol.
    The body may actually produce extra cholesterol to plug any potential 'holes' or weak spots along the wall of the

arteries. Therefore it is not always a good idea to simply remove cholesterol from the walls of the arteries as we may be cholesterol creating another potential problem. Instead we should repair the walls of the blood vessels while lowering cholesterol levels.

There are two sources of cholesterol - your body and food. The liver and other cells produce cholesterol and the rest is ingested through the foods we eat. LDL is thought to be the bad cholesterol and can clog the arteries and cause atherosclerosis.

Although LDL can be produced by the body sometimes the body may produce too much. This can sometimes happen when the body notices that the walls of the blood vessels are becoming too thin. In order to prevent the rupturing of a vessel the liver produces extra cholesterol to plug the walls of the blood vessels in order to strengthen them. That is why it is essential to repair damage to the walls of the blood vessels when treating elevated cholesterol levels. Saturated fats increase LDL levels so it is vital to address the diet when treating cholesterol.

HDL is the good cholesterol and this helps to keep the bad cholesterol under control. It is thought that it carries the bad cholesterol out of the arteries and to the liver. Lecithin and Flax Seed contain good cholesterol. Exercising and eating a diet low in animal products is essential when treating hypercholesterolemia (elevated cholesterol levels).


Herbs: Cayenne, dandelion.

Supplements: Rutin, lecithin, flax seed, Vit B3, omega 3, 6 and 9, coconut oil.

Anaemia, Symptoms. Causes and Remedies

Low levels of the oxygen carrying pigment haemoglobin in the blood. Anaemia may be caused by various conditions but the most common are:

  1. loss of blood
  2. A poor diet which is lacking in natural iron

and will result in impaired production of red blood cells

When iron levels are low haemoglobin levels will also be low because iron makes haemoglobin. Symptoms of anaemia include:

  1. excessive tiredness
  2. breathlessness
  3. looking pale
  4. low resistance to infection
  5. irritability
  6. cessation of menses
  7. loss of appetite
  8. headaches
  9. poor concentration
  10. dizziness
  11. black faeces
  12. 12 brittle nails

Often a person will experience symptoms of anaemia before a blood test can detect it. Every person is unique and therefore should be treated as such.


Herbs: Nettle, yellow dock, alfalfa, parsley and golden seal all contain natural iron and can be taken as a natural form of iron supplementation when needed.

Supplements: Vit B12, liver extracts, calcium and magnesium, barley grass, and other chlorophyll rich supplements.

Other: Green vegetables as the chlorophyll in them is similar to the haeme part of haemoglobin and is well absorbed meat (specifically liver) and beans.

Home test for anaemia: dissolve half/ one teaspoon of copper sulphate into a small glass of water. Pin prick your finger for one drop of blood ensuring that the needle is sterilized. Let the drop or two fall into the copper sulphate mixture. If the blood drop sinks to the bottom of the glass you are not anaemic. If it floats to the top you are.

50 Facts About Water and Water PH

We are 90% water at birth, slowly reducing to as little as 10% in old age.

Reduction in body hydration or body water has been linked with increasing acidification of the body.

Enzyme absorption may be directly related to correct body pH levels. This would mean an acidic body = low enzyme absorption.

Absorption of minerals from supplement and food absorption may be directly related to pH balance of the body. Iodine, as an example, may not be absorbed except by a perfectly pH balanced body.

All major organs work in service of the blood. If blood pH lowers (i.e. becomes more acidic) all other body functions are used to support correction to pH 7.35

If our blood pH drops from 7.35 to lower than 7, we may lapse into a coma and die.

Breath is a major alkalizer. Deep breathing converts waste carbonic acid into C02 (exhaled) and harmless salts.

Virtually all food contains acids. Far fewer foods contain alkalis. The recommended 80/20 ratio of alkaline to acid foods has been reversed by the SAD (Standard Australian Diet) to more like 90% acidic food and 10% alkaline.

People who claim they don't eat enough to get fat, but pile on the kilos anyway, may be right. If they have a stressful life, and eat acidic foods, the body may be using consumed fat to stash acidic wastes on hips, thighs and belly. It does this to protect overloaded kidneys.

US Studies indicate that the older we get the more acidic we get.

Inflammation can be caused by acid, but acids can be caused by inflammation. Acids are a by-product of any stressful event in the body.

Chronic fatigue may be seen as stress causing acidity causing inflammation causing stress causing acidity causing...

Acidity is considered by many alkaline researchers to be the precursor to every illness ending with 'itis".

Over eating does not assist energy. In fact excess food intake ends up as acidic waste that may actually poison you.

The more acidic we become the more water we may need to drink because we becomes less able to absorb water in a dehydrated acidic body.

8 glasses of water a day is not a proven formula for health. 8 glasses equal 2 litres of water but we lose a net average of 2.6 litres of water a day.

The state of your acid/alkaline balance is now considered by alkaline researchers to be a major determinant in your ability to hydrate sufficiently.

The pH of your between-cell (interstitial) fluid may determine the ability for the mitochondria inside your cell to transfer electrical energy out of the cell.

Our interstitial fluid is very similar to the mineral content of the sea. It is alkaline, saline and mineralised. It follows, therefore, that if we drink pure water we may dilute the mineral and pH balance of our interstitial fluid.

Pure mineral free water is not a part of human history. We have evolved to expect mineralised water. Distilled and Reverse Osmosis water, therefore, are unhealthy and unnatural.

Your stomach is not a permanent bag of acid. It only receives acid when food is detected and analysed by nerves in the mouth. After receiving this 'analysis report" the nervous system requests the blood system to release both hydrochloric acid from its store, plus bicarbonate of soda to protect the stomach wall. As we age, we lose our ability to supply enough acid to our stomachs because as we acidify, our blood becomes a less efficient transport system of acids and alkalis. It thickens up. A.K.A 'High Blood Pressure".

An alkaline substance is not necessarily a liquid with more alkaline minerals than acid minerals in it. 'Alkaline" refers to the ability of a liquid to produce more hydroxyl ions (negatively charged hydrogen atoms) than positively charged hydrogen ions. It is possible, using electrolysis, to produce water that has high Hydroxyl ions without high alkaline mineral content. It is not the alkaline minerals that work on the body to create the perfect pH working environment; it is the Hydrogen ions.

One good fright crossing the road may create enough stress to turn an alkaline balanced body into immediate acidic state.

Watching the news at seven may be acidifying.

Getting caught in a traffic jam may be acidifying.

Running a sprint or a vigorous workout may be acidifying.

Gentle exercise may be alkalizing.

Meditation may be alkalizing.

The Shaolin monks of China are known to be highly alkaline.

Acidic blood is capable of holding far less oxygen than alkaline blood.

After a rich protein or carbohydrate (sugary) meal, our urine pH may become alkaline. Protein and sugar nourishment then may create acidity in the body not only by the production of sulphuric, phosphoric, nitric, uric, lactic and acetyl aldehyde acids, respectively, but also through the formation and excretion of alkalis in the urine. This may be a double loss of alkalis.

When our bodies are acidic, none of our systems may work properly. We may be on permanent 'tilt'.

Sweat is basically acidic waste, excreted via the skin. It has a double purpose of maintaining skin's resistance to bacteria. When we wash sweat off the skin with alkaline soap, we expose our skin to bacteria without defences. Acid water is an excellent bacterial protection for our skin.

The plague of Osteoporosis affecting Western women and to a lesser extent, men, may be a direct result of an acidic lifestyle.

Alkaline food and water are both natural antioxidants because natural antioxidants are Hydroxyl ions, which are a major component of water.

Guilt may be acidifying. Any trauma we choose to hold in our body may be stored as acidic waste.

Acidic people may be on an 'acid trip'. They may crave the 'high' an acid snack gives them but disconnect from the acid 'low' that comes soon after.

Weight loss may come more naturally to alkaline balanced people because they have less inflammation and no need to store acid excess in fats.

Meat products are extremely acid forming foods.

It may be common that you also lose your sweet tooth as you become more alkaline

Love alkalizes. No 'may be's' about it.

Chemically grown or processed food is often more acidic.

Because there is no payoff for the medical industry, acid/alkaline balance is seldom discussed in mainstream medicine. This has nothing to do with its efficacy and everything to do with its ease of implementation and low cost.

Balance is the key; when we are out of balance we apply more pressure or input to the opposite. That's why alkalizing may be necessary. Most of us may be already seriously unbalanced towards acidity.

Think of your extra weight as a parking lot to park excess metabolic or dietary acid that is not being eliminated through urination, perspiration, respiration or defecation. Fat may be saving people from the excess acidity. It is not fat that makes you overweight; it may be acid from an acidic lifestyle and diet.

Fat may be one of the body's best alkaline buffers, because of its ability to take on extra acids or hydrogen ions on its carbon chain.

Insulin may spike when we are acidic.

One of the most dangerous acids in the body is sugar, in any form. That includes sucrose, fructose, glucose, maltose, dextrose.

Insulin is an alkaline buffer. And it may spike in order to neutralize an excess spike in acidity from acidic food, drink or metabolism. So if insulin is spiking, then acid may be spiking, and the body may be in a defensive mechanism to bring back the delicate pH balance of the fluids of the body at 7.35.

All high-glycaemic foods are acidic. Lemons and limes are not high-glycaemic because of their low sugar content and high alkaline sodium and potassium salts. Apples and oranges are high-glycaemic and will spike insulin because they are full of the acid called sugar.

The State of South Africa's Hearts

One of the biggest problems facing South Africa's health is heart conditions here are some interesting statistics on the state of out hearts.

Ulcers and Natural Remedies for Ulcers

When the lining of the digestive system is destroyed and there are no longer enough good bacteria in the gut then an ulcer may develop anywhere along the digestive tract. An ulcer is an open sore that results from the destruction of surface tissue i.e. the mucous lining.

This mucous ling normally protects the gut from digestive juices and irritation. But when this lining is destroyed the wall of the digestive tract becomes exposed and an ulcer may form. If there is insufficient good bacteria present in the gut then this may allow for the growth of bad bacteria which will cause a serious infection.

Treatment involves repairing the lining of the digestive system, replacing the good bacteria and treating the infection.


Herbs: The following herbs are best taken in the form of a tea (infusion) in order for them to have a beneficial affect on the digestive system. Comfrey, golden seal (small amount), slippery elm, irish moss, marshmallow, iceland moss, ginkgo.

Supplements: Probiotics, digestive enzymes, HCL, colloidal silver.

Low Blood Pressure

This results when the pressure exerted on the walls of the blood vessels is low. It may be caused by:

Excessive blood loss

Poor heart function

Low blood sugar levels (hypoglycaemia)



Low blood pressure may cause a feeling of dizziness or even fainting especially when you rise from a sitting or sleeping position. A person may also suffer from cold hands and feet as well as pins and needles in the extremities of the body. Low blood pressure leads to an inadequate supply of blood to the brain and other organs.


Herbs: Broom, hawthorn, cayenne, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, ginger (warming), nettle.

Supplements: Vit E, l-carnitine, Vit B3, iron, chromium, Vit B5.

Natural Supplements for Memory and Concentration Problems

There are lots of excellent natural supplements on the market that are able to improve our ability to concentrate and retain information. But it is also important to eat nutritional foods and enjoy a good night's sleep.

Not getting enough sleep or experiencing poor quality sleep can reduce our mental acuity drastically making us less able to concentrate on the task at hand and make us far more irritable.


Herbs: Ginkgo biloba, gotu kola, ginseng.

Supplements: Phosphatidylserine or choline, calcium and magnesium, DHA, omega 3,6,9, Vit B3 and B1, B complex, Vit E, anti-oxidants, l-carnitine, l-tyrosine, l-glutamine, DLPA, pregnenolone, acetyl-choline.

Headache Causes and Remedies

Pain that occurs over various parts of the head is called a headache. It is one of humanities most common afflictions. Fatigue, emotional disorders, digestive disorders, diet, sinus, anaemia, constipation, hypoglycaemia, hypertension, eyesight or allergies all may cause a headache. A less common cause is a brain tumour.

Brain tissues are insensitive to pair, as is the bony covering of the cranium. Headache pain results from the stimulation of such pain-sensitive structures as the membranous linings of the brain (the meninges) and the nerves of the cranium and upper neck. This stimulation can be produced by inflammation or by muscle spasms in the neck and head.

Headaches brought on by muscle spasms are classified as tension headaches and are very common but also very debilitating. It is important to understand what may be triggering a headache. Eliminating possible causes such as high blood pressure or poor eyesight are important. As soon as the problem is understood then the appropriate line of treatment can be taken.

These are the most common causes of headaches that we have found:

  1. Low mineral levels. This may result in muscles spasms in the neck area which inhibits the free flow of blood to and from the head. Stress may also trigger these muscle spasms.
  2. Poor circulation. Insufficient blood flow to the head means that there is not enough oxygenated blood reaching the brain and head area often leading to a headache or migraine.
  3. Fluctuating blood sugar levels. Diabetics and hypoglycaemics are at a higher risk of developing headaches. When blood sugar levels drop so do mineral levels and as we have explained before this can lead to the development of a headache.
  4. Food allergies. Certain foods may cause a release of histamine which causes inflammation and a narrowing of blood vessels in the body and this can cause poor circulation.


Herbs: The following herbs can be used to treat headaches in general but it is advisable to identify the underlying cause: Skullcap, feverfew, rosemary, cayenne, valerian, nettle (especially if anaemia and hypoglycaemia is suspected).

Supplements: Calcium and magnesium, Vit B3, B complex, chlorophyll, chromium, mag phos.


A burning sensation felt in the stomach that may travel up to the throat. Recurring heartburn is a sign that the lining in the stomach has been destroyed. This lining protects the stomach from its own juices. When this protective lining is destroyed an ulcer or sore may develop.

Heartburn is a symptom of a more serious problem. It begins as a result of a depletion of natural digestive enzymes. If there is an insufficiency of these digestive enzymes the stomach realizes that it still needs to somehow digest the food you have eaten. It does this by producing more hydrochloric acid. It has a limited supply of enzymes but an endless supply of acid. Heartburn may be the result of excess acidity in the stomach due to a lack of enzymes. It is therefore important that anyone suffering from repeated heartburn does not ignore the condition by taking ant-acids on a regular basis. Ant-acids simply neutralize the stomachs acid which is needed to digest the food properly. This creates poor digestion of food and therefore poor absorption of nutrients and can lead to other digestive problems such as constipation or IBS. Anyone who needs to take regular ant-acids is simply masking a more serious digestive condition. Low acid levels are also a cause of heartburn because as we get older we produce less stomach acid and this can also lead to food not being digested properly and remaining in the stomach for too long. Occasional heartburn can be caused by overeating or eating foods that the body finds difficult to digest. If the heartburn is felt right up into the throat area then the person is suffering from Acid Reflux (see

Reflux). We have found that eating more raw food reduces the amount of digestive enzymes needed by the body due to the high content of enzymes found in the

raw foods.


Herbs: Slippery elm, irish moss, Iceland moss, ginkgo biloba, marshmallow, peppermint. Supplements: Digestive enzymes, probiotics, pancreatin, HCL.

Diabetes Mellitus

Although the most widely recognized manifestation of diabetes is elevation of the level of blood sugar level. It is a complex and multifaceted disease which potentially affects every organ in the body Regulation of blood sugar, a complex homeostatic process, is dependent upon insulin, a hormone produced in the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. The insulin is absorbed into the blood stream where it is carried to the rest of the body

The actions of insulin are several:

  1. It causes glucose to leave the blood and enter the cells of the various body organs.

2- It facilitates other metabolic processes which work toward the storage of energy into fat and other substances, and prevent the release of such stores into the blood.

Insufficient insulin will cause the level of glucose in the blood to rise, especially after a meal. Without insulin, body organs are unable to extract glucose from the blood and begin to rely on alternate sources of energy such as some fats. Ketones are an acid left in the body when we begin to burn our own fats. These ketones begin to accumulate in the blood and make the blood highly acidic. Metabolic changes in diabetes alters the way in which the body handles fats including cholesterol, leading to their accumulation in the small arteries of the body, often those of the eyes, the kidneys, the heart, and the brain. This increases the incidence of blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke.



Cellulite is a dimpled, orange peal effect on the skin usually visible on the upper thighs. Cellulite indicates a build up of toxins in the lymphatic system.

People with cellulite often also have poor circulation. Diet plays a crucial role in the treatment of cellulite. A cleansing diet that is free of all processed toxic food and drink as well as lots of fresh, uncooked fruit and vegetables is essential.


Herbs: Fennel, green tea, calamus, gentian, poke root, cayenne, ginseng, liquorice,


Supplements: Antioxidants, Vit B3, chlorophyll.

Urinary Tract Infection and Acidosis

When tissues and organs are continuously exposed to excess acids, they can begin to harden, thin and/or develop lesions.

Swelling/inflammation can also occur as a method of protection to prevent acids from penetrating the tissues. Such is the case with urinary tract infections.

Urinary tract disorders such as cystitis (bladder infection) and painful urination area common symptom of acidosis. The natural mucous layer protecting the walls of the bladder can become warn away due to high acid levels in the urine exposing the bladder to acidic urine which causes pain, inflammation and recurring infections.

The same applies to the walls of the urethra. Inflammation occurring along the walls of the urethra can cause swelling and reduce the free flow of urine leaving the body. Thickening of the walls of the urethra and the walls of the bladder can occur if continuously exposed to high acid over an extended period of time.   In addition, chronic inflammation can lower immune function, which is already reduced due to the proliferation of unhealthy microorganisms. The solution; use Llfetones to help reduce inflammation and lower acid levels.

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are comprised of a type of calcium called calcium oxalate. The size of the stone can vary from microscopic to the size of a golf ball. Small gravel can pass unnoticed through and out the urinary tract but they may also aggravate the lining and cause some pain and discomfort.

Large stones that are not able to pass through can cause symptoms such as:

Shooting pain in the lower back and side

Blood in the urine


Burning urination

Persistent urge to urinate

To help reduce the likelihood of developing kidney stones it is essential to drink enough water. Dehydration will cause

uric acid levels in the kidneys to rise and this will lead to the formation of kidney stones. It is also important to maintain an

alkaline diet that is low in sugar and caffeine.

The Link Between Allergies and Acidity

Histamine is released in response to an allergen or foreign substance like pollen or bacteria. Histamine can cause itching, asthma, inflammation, sinusitis, rhinitis, pain and many other symptoms.

An acidic environment within the body causes an excessive amount of histamine to be released. In other words when we are acidic we are more inclined to suffer from allergies such as sinusitis and itching skin.


Ulcers and Natural Remedies for Ulcers

When the lining of the digestive system is destroyed and there are no longer enough good bacteria in the gut then an ulcer may develop anywhere along the digestive tract. An ulcer is an open sore that results from the destruction of surface tissue i.e. the mucous lining.

This mucous ling normally protects the gut from digestive juices and irritation. But when this lining is destroyed the wall of the digestive tract becomes exposed and an ulcer may form. If there is insufficient good bacteria present in the gut then this may allow for the growth of bad bacteria which will cause a serious infection.

Treatment involves repairing the lining of the digestive system, replacing the good bacteria and treating the infection.


Herbs: The following herbs are best taken in the form of a tea (infusion) in order for them to have a beneficial affect on the digestive system. Comfrey, golden seal (small amount), slippery elm, irish moss, marshmallow, iceland moss, ginkgo.

Supplements: Probiotics, digestive enzymes, HCL, colloidal silver.

Stiff Joints/Muscles - Not only Affecting the Elderly

Adults in their 30s-40s are suffering from stiff muscles and joints and this is contrary to the belief that only the elderly suffer these symptoms.

Active adults are suffering symptoms of Inflammation and stiffness In joints and muscles which could occur for a number of reasons.

Over-use of a joint with a previous injury eg. sports Injury such as a sprain of the knee or ankle, or general wear and tear could lead to degeneration of the joint or even osteoarthritis.

Muscle stiffness is where the tightness of the muscle tends to pull on joints which can restrict your normal motion.

Inflammation in an injured area could be as a result of the body releasing certain chemicals and increasing blood flow to the affected area in order to protect and initiate the healing process. The chemicals that your body releases (histamine, leukotoxin, necrosin) cause your blood vessels to dilate. This inflammation prompts symptoms of redness, swelling, warmth in area and general stiffness.

Suppressive medications such as painkillers simply ease the symptoms but we must remember the pain has not gone away, we just cannot feel it anymore.


Herbs: Boswellia serrata, Harpago (found in Lifetones), Cayenne, Lobelia

Supplements: Vit A, VitB-5, Vit C, Calcium

Menopause - What are the Symptoms?

In our 'civilized' society, menopause is too often approached with dread by many women, fearing it as a time when their role as a woman becomes devalued. It is a time of change in their role as a mother, lover and wife.The physiological cessation of menses as a result of decreasing ovarian function.

A series of specific symptomatic problems may arise through this process, as well as the compounding of other health problems. These should be approached within the context of supporting the menopausal changes plus treating the particular symptom.

What symptoms can occur?

Hot flushes - the most common symptoms resulting from the menopausal decline in oestrogen secretion are hot flashes or flushing, feelings of warmth and sweating. About 85% of women over age 50 are affected. The onset is sudden, and when associated with palpitation, dizziness or faintness, they can be a frightening experience. Emotional stress, exercise, alcohol and certain foods can bring them on in some individuals. Typically they occur several times a day and last a few minutes at a time.

Insomnia, Fatigue and Depression - Menopause is often a time of emotional upheaval. Depression, insomnia, anxiety and questions of self-worth and sexual inadequacy develop as attention is drawn toward physical ailments and declining health. The problems may be compounded by fears about what to expect from menopause. Although some women note that their desire for sexual activity wains after menopause, decreased oestrogen secretion has no direct effect on libido. As long as vaginal symptoms are effectively treated, there is no reason why post menopausal women should not be able to enjoy a satisfying sex life.

Genitourinary symptoms - a variety of genital and urinary symptoms may develop. Falling hormone levels cause the vaginal tissues to shrink and atrophy, and there is loss of support due to weakening of the pelvic tissues. Especially in women who have born multiple children, the relaxation of the supporting tissues may be severe enough to allow the uterus to drop down (prolapse) into the vagina. With decreased production of natural lubricating substances, the vagina becomes dry and irritated. Itching and painful sexual intercourse may result.

Hypertension and Atherosclerosis - heart disease and "hardening of the arteries" are less prevalent among premenstrual women than they are among men, although in years after menopause, these differences between the sexes gradually disappear. Similarly, women who have their ovaries surgically removed prior to natural menopause are known to have a higher incidence of heart attack and atherosclerosis.

Osteoporosis - this disorder is characterized by a slow, but progressive thinning and loss of calcium content of the bones. With time, bones become brittle and more susceptible to fractures from seemingly minor injuries. Even coughing, sudden movements or everyday activities may break a bone when the disease is advanced. Oestrogen deficiency plays a role in post-menopausal osteoporosis by diminishing the intestinal absorption of calcium as well as increasing its loss from the bony skeleton.

When treating menopause naturally It Is essential to support the adrenal glands. The reason for this is that the adrenal glands take over the functions of the ovaries. If the adrenal glands are not cared for and nourished it can lead to adrenal exhaustion.



Herbs: Dong quai, wild yam, sage, motherwort, chasteberry, lady's mantle, black cohosh, astragalus, ginseng.

Supplements: Vit E, calcium and magnesium, evening primrose oil, flaxseed oil.

How Body PH can affect your Energy Levels


Red blood cells are how oxygen is transported to all the cells in your body. As red blood cells move into the tiny, little, capillaries, the space they have to move through gets pretty small. In fact, the diameter of the capillaries gets so small that the red blood cells sometimes have to pass through these capillaries one red blood cell at a time!

Because of this, and because it's important for the red blood cells to be able to flow easily and quickly through your body, they have a mechanism that allows them to remain separate from each other. This mechanism comes in the form of the outside of healthy red blood cells having a negative charge. This causes them to stay apart from each other, sort of like when you try to push the negative ends of two magnets together. They resist each other and stay apart.

Unfortunately, acid interferes with this very important mechanism in a pretty frightening way. Acid actually strips away the negative charge from red blood

cells. The result is that your red blood cells then tend to clump together and not flow as easily. This makes it much more difficult for them to flow easily through

the bloodstream.

But it also makes it harder for them to move freely through those small capillaries. This means less oxygen gets to your cells. Acid also weakens the red blood

cells and they begin to die. And guess what they release into your system when they die? More acid.

In regard to producing energy in the body, here's an easy question for you. What do you think happens to a person's energy level if over time their system

becomes more and more acid, their biochemical balance is disrupted and their red blood cells can't deliver oxygen and nutrients as efficiently to all their cells?

The answer is simple. Their energy level drops. Dramatically

Author: Andy Long

Acid also affects our teeth

A healthy mouth is a non-acidic, neutral, or alkaline mouth, with a pH of 7 or above. Tooth roots begin to dissolve as this pH gets a tiny bit below neutral (at pH 6.5) and, when acidity levels dip to pH 5.5 or lower teeth will erode, become discolored, and be at risk for cavities.

All acidity weakens teeth, but it is the amount of time that acids are in contact with teeth that determines the severity of the damage. Erosion and decay are worse when people sip drinks or nibble acidic foods. For healthy teeth, exposure to acidity must be kep

t to a

minimum. Teeth actually become stronger and re-mineralize when the mouth is alkaline at a pH 7.5 or above.

The pH of fluids

circulating around the human body (including the saliva in your mouth) register in a narrow pH range. The pH of blood should be approximately pH 7.3 (slightly alkaline) while healthy saliva should register 7.0 (neutral). When the pH of body fluidsis alkaline and above 7.0 it indicates an oxygen-rich environment (which is an ideal state for good health). When pH levels are below 7.0 (acidic) this indicates an oxygen-deprived environment, which primes our body for disease and our teeth for de-mineraliztion and cavities.

An oral health resource from Dr. Ellie Phillips

The Link Between an Acidic Body and High Cholesterol

When the blood running through your blood vessels is acidic, the acid eats away at the protective lining of these delicate blood vessels. This causes them to become thin and fragile.

The body being very clever, realises that it needs to do something to protect these blood vessels from rupturing, so it produces excess amounts of cholesterol to line the blood vessels and strengthen them. This causes narrowing of the arteries and all the other life threatening complications associated with high cholesterol.

So what do we need to do to reduce the need for our body to produce excess amounts of cholesterol? WE NEED TO MAINTAIN AN ALKALINE ENVIRONMENT WITHIN OUR BODY.

Effects of Acid on the Body

"The human body is a very intelligent self-repairing machine. As we become more and more acidic the body starts to set up defense mechanisms to keep the corrosive acid from damaging our vital organs.

It is known that the acid waste get locked-up in fat cells, as far away as possible from the vital organs. After all, if the acid is allowed to remain in and around a vital organs, the acid has a chance to corrode (eat holes) in the tissue of these organs. This will cause the cells to mutate and/or die.

This fact also gives credence to the fact that Chronic Metabolic Acidosis is the key to the long-term failure of most of the so called strict Calorie controlled diets. The body can't use the stored fat (acid warehouses) as energy, thus it has to consume lean muscle mass. When vigorous exercise is added to the already overloaded system, it will only exacerbate the problem.

The oxygen level will drop in this acidic environment and calcium levels ( because calcium helps to keep you alkiline) will be depleted. So as a defense mechanism, your body may actually make fat (more acid warehouses) to protect you from your overly acidic self. Those fat cells and cellulite deposits will actually be packing up the acid, in an effort to try and keep it at a safe distance from your vital organs. The fat may be saving your vital organs from damage. Many people have found that a return to a healthy, pH balanced, inner biological terrain, helps them to lose excess body fat without having to be on any calorie controlled diet."

By Dr Marthin Botha


An unpleasant irrational feeling that may range from mild unease to intense fear.

A person who suffers from anxiety often has a feeling of impending doom for no rational reason.


Herbs: Valerian, motherwort, passion flower, lemon bain, hops, chamomile. Supplements: B-complex, omega 3, 6 and 9, l-tyrosine, 5HTP



Infections occur when the environment within the body is such that it allows for the growth of germs. The response by the body to an infection is inflammation. Inflammation draws our attention to the fact that the body is fighting an infection

and gives us a chance to assist our bodies if needed. If the infection and inflammation becomes chronic it can cause damage and destruction of tissue/organs in the body. Infections can vary in severity from something as common as the flu to something as serious as gangrene. The type of infection needs to be assessed to ensure the correct treatment. This means addressing the area of infection as well as the type of pathogen causing the infection i.e. bacteria, virus, fungus etc. The immune system is the body's defense against a possible infection. The treatment of an infection involves:

  • supplying the body with the correct nutrients needed to enhance the functioning of the immune system
  • including appropriate herbs that address the specific infection being treated such as pau d'arco to treat a yeast infection
  • eating a balanced diet that creates an environment that does not allow for the proliferation of germs i.e. a non-acidic diet. remedies:

Herb: Echinacea, golden seal, chaparral, red clover, cats claw, astragalus, turmeric, boswelia

Supplements: CoQ10, colostrum, colloidal silver, Vit C


Malaria is caused by the protozoan parasite. People get malaria by being bitten by an infected female Anopheles Mosquito. The best way to prevent malaria is not to get bitten. So if you are traveling to a malaria area make sure you use mosquito nets and insect repellents.

Prevention is better than cure!

When an infected mosquito bites a human the parasite in the mosquito's blood travels to the liver where it multiplies and matures and then moves into the blood stream. If a mosquito bites an infected human and ingests blood containing the parasite that

mosquito is then able to infect another human. Symptoms of malaria include sudden coldness followed by fever and sweating,

headache, shivering, joint pain, anaemia, tiredness, nausea and convulsions. Children and pregnant women are especially vulnerable. Malaria parasite can also be transmitted via blood transfusions but this is very rare.


Herbs: Wormwood, walnut, guava, clove, golden seal.

Supplements: CoQlO, anti-oxidant, colloidal silver.

Loss of Appetite

If a person is ill and does not feel like eating this may be because the body is concentrating on healing and fighting an infection and does not have the energy to still worry about digesting food.

So don't be in too much of a hurry to force a person to eat if they are not hungry when they are feeling ill. Excessive consumption of sugar and fruit juices-especially in children - can reduce the appetite.


Herbs: To stimulate the appetite the use of bitter herbs is required. Gentian, wormwood, golden seal, calamus, schweden bitters.

Supplements: B-conplex. Vi! B12.

Dry Eyes

Caused by a deficiency in the production of tears. Dry eyes cause severe irritation, blurred vision, burning and itching.

Often people with dry eyes will have other symptoms indicating a general dryness of the body. They may suffer from constipation or other bowel problems, dry skin, poor circulation. First of all they need to make sure that they are hydrating their body with sufficient water during the day. Dry eyes are also associated with immune disorders and an excessive production of keratin (hyperkeratosis). Certain drugs may also cause dry eyes.


Herbs: Marshmallow, comfrey.

Supplements: Vi! A. onega 3, 6 and 9. Drink lots of water.

Hypoglycaemia, Natural Remedies and Supplements

Low blood sugar levels. A person suffering from hypoglycaemia will feel light headed, irritable, shaky, have a headache and may also sweat. Diabetics may surfer from hypoglycaemia if they overdose on their medication or don't eat regular, healthy meals which could be a life threatening situation if they are not given sugar immediately.

But contrary to belief if you are not a diabetic and regularly experience all the symptoms of hypoglycaemia it is definitely not advisable to eat sugar. Hypoglycaemia is the body's way of saying that it is not coping with the large amounts of sugar and processed, dead food in the diet. Hypoglycaemia is a warning sign of impending diabetes. What happens when a hypoglycaemic consumes sugar is that the pancreas over-reacts or over-compensates by secreting an excessive amount of insulin causing the blood sugar levels to drop too low. If this continues for too long the pancreas becomes tired and cannot do its job properly and this is when diabetes may set in. The body needs more live food and greens. Most hypoglycaemics crave sugar especially after eating something salty. But instead of grabbing for a chocolate try something like a fruit salad and yogurt (plain) or some green vegetables with some added protein such as tuna or chicken. Hypoglycaemia indicates that mineral levels are low and low minerals levels cause sugar cravings but sugar depletes mineral levels so it becomes a vicious cycle. If we do not eat enough raw food then we place a tremendous amount of strain on the pancreas because remember that raw food does not require enzymes from the body to digest it because it is already enzyme rich. Eating too much cooked or processed food requires the body to secrete an excessive amount of enzymes to digest the food and this leads to an enlarged an overworked pancreas.

7 Benefits of Eating Less Meat

There are numerous benefits to upping our fruit, vegetable and legume intake and cutting our meat consumption. A plant based diet, which is rich in fiber, vitamins and other nutrients can be so beneficial in many ways...

  1. People that eat only plant-based foods — aka vegetarians — generally eat fewer calories and less fat. weigh less, and have a lower risk of heart disease than non-vegetarians do.
  2. Eating less meat can save you Meat tends to be expensive and eating less may benefit your pocket.
  3. Processed meats such as sausages and other processed foods are high in saturated fats and have been shown to increase the risk of high cholesterol and coronary heart Cutting down on these foods has health benefits.
  4. Lower your cancer risk. Saturated fats in meats and animal products can increase the production of various hormones. This has been found to increase the hormone related production of cancers.
  5. Lower your risk of strokes- Cutting down on meat, especially red meat may encourage you to fill your plate up with more vegetables. Studies have found that increasing your fresh produce intake daily may cut your risk of strokes by up to 6%.

6.Lower your risk of depression - Studies have shown that eating a diet rich in colourful fruits and vegetables was associated with fewer depressive symptoms. These healthy foods may aid as a natural protective measure against depression.

  1. More energy- Some fruits and vegetables are high in natural sugars which can give you a healthy and natural boost in energy. Eating less meat and upping your wholegrain intake(nuts, seeds, oats, pulses)is also ideal. These release glucose gradually which provides a slow steady supply of energy to our bodies.

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What Does "Organic" Mean?

Organic food has become more freely available at most supermarkets. We see "organic" fruits and vegetables as opposed to "conventional" fruits and vegetables. Both provide vitamins, minerals, fibre etc. Which should we choose? What is the difference?

"Organic" refers to the way in which produce such as fruits, vegetables, dairy and meat products are grown and/or processed. Organic farming is a means of encouraging the conservation of soil and water and reducing the pollution of natural resources.

There is no chemical fertilizers or synthetic insecticides used to promote plant growth or reduce pests and disease.

Spray pesticides from natural sources are used to reduce pests and disease. Natural fertilizers, such as manure or compost are used to feed soil and plants.

Ear Infections (Otitis Media)

A bacterial or viral infection in the middle ear, usually secondary to an upper respiratory infection.

A middle ear infection is the most common childhood infection. It usually occurs when the eustation tube becomes


This causes a build up of fluid and mucous behind the ear drum creating a perfect environment for bacteria or viruses to flourish. Earache, fever, pressure in the ear and dizziness are common symptoms of middle ear infections. Colds and flu as well as allergies are common causes of middle ear infections. Young children who are not talking yet may tug at their ears, have a temperature, cry whenever they are lying down, and not be able to balance properly or have an excessive amount of wax in their ears. Although ear infections are more common in children adults may experience the same symptoms.


Herbs: I' there is a build up o' fluid behind the ear drum it will be necessary to drain it. Herbs such as mullein, plantain, thyme, oakbark and witchazel can be used. If there is also an infection use golden seal, olive leaf, calendula, echinacea and cats claw

Supplements: Vit C, colostrum, colloidal silver (Use internally and in the ear canal if there is no perforated ear drum).


Cramps are the involuntary and sometimes painful contraction of a muscle. Cramps often occur in the calf muscle, feet, toes and along the colon

Cramps are most often the result of a lack of calcium and magnesium as well as a build up of acid in the body which in turn depletes the body of minerals. Poor circulation, stress

and dehydration are major contributing factors. Certain drugs and excessive exercising

cause a loss of potassium and other minerals from the body and this may also cause



Herbs: Cramp bark, ginkgo, birch, celery, valerian, cayenne.

Supplements: Calcium and magnesium, B3, B complex.


Pneumonia is the Inflammation of the lungs due to an infection either by bacteria or viruses and very rarely fungi or yeasts.

Pneumonia causes fever, general aches and pains, headache, shortness of breath, a

cough with yellow-green phlegm and pain in the chest when inhaling.


Herbs: Pepperbark, goldenseal, echinacea, lobelia, olive leaf, cats claw, sutherlandia,


Supplements: CoQ10, quercetin, Vit C, Vit A, colloidal silver, propolis.


Everyone feels tired at times either due to lack of sleep or over exertion. When fatigue is persistent and inhibits everyday activity then it may be due to something more serious.

Low mineral and vitamin levels, anaemia, depression, anxiety, Candida, lupus, blood sugar fluctuations, low blood pressure and many more conditions may lead to feelings of continual fatigue.

: It is important to treat the underlying cause but the following is a list o' general energizers and tonics. Herbs: Ginseng, gotu kola, nettle, alfalfa,

Supplements: HGH, calcium and magnesium, B-complex, Vit B5, multi-vitamin, chlorophyll.