Calmag (With VitD , Boron,Vit C and B2) - 100 tabs

Calmag (With VitD , Boron,Vit C and B2) - 100 tabs

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R 185.00
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R 185.00
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Calmag also contains Vit D, Boron, Vit C and B2 to improve Calcium absorption. 

This formulation is designed for the muscular and skeletal systems and is recommended for those suffering from osteoporosis, bone and joint weakness, tension headaches, muscle spasms(cramps), insomnia and general fatigue.


Contents PER TABLET: 

Calcium Carbonate  : 300mg

Magnesium Oxide    : 150mg

Vitamin C                  : 20mg

Vitamin D                  : 50iu

Boron Chelate          : 5mg

Vitamin B2                : 1mg


Directions for Use: 

Take 3 tablets before bed.


Keep out of reach of children. Store below 30ºC. Not to be taken during pregnancy. 

No artificial preservatives or flavourings. No known contra-indications.


This medicine has not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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